เมื่อกี้ สดๆ ร้อนๆ
neozarbez : hi
neozarbez : u from Bangkok?
worldicez : phuket
worldicez : phuket
neozarbez : ok cool
neozarbez : I know
worldicez : ^^'
neozarbez : I will come Bangkok next week
worldicez : umm
neozarbez : JShayy is good did u see?
worldicez : ya
neozarbez : what do u do now
neozarbez : I think u play something
worldicez : reading news - -'
neozarbez : ok
neozarbez : what do u do in Phuket krab
worldicez : studying
neozarbez : great
neozarbez : do u stay Phuket town
worldicez : yes
neozarbez : I was there last October
worldicez : oh, how was that?
neozarbez : mayne I will go there again in February
worldicez : - -'
neozarbez : maybe
neozarbez : its nice I like
worldicez : ^^'
neozarbez : I think u r tall boy?
worldicez : ya
worldicez : 180 cm tall.
neozarbez : wow
neozarbez : and strong
neozarbez : u like sport
worldicez : no - -'
You gave neozarbez good karma.
neozarbez : u r budhist or Muslim krab
worldicez : i'm budhist
Neozarbez gave you good karma.
neozarbez : ok cool
worldicez : why?
neozarbez : just interesting to know
worldicez :
neozarbez : do u like to meet farang
worldicez : yes
neozarbez : if i come phuket i can tell you
worldicez : ^^
neozarbez : u ever to come BKK?
worldicez : yes, but only 2 times last year.
neozarbez : ok krab
worldicez : this feb, i have to go to bangkok to compete in NLC project.
neozarbez : ok
neozarbez : I hope to see u there
neozarbez : I will stay Bangkok in feb
worldicez : which city/
worldicez : ?
neozarbez : Sathorn
neozarbez : how long will u stay Bangkok
worldicez : just 2 days
worldicez : 7-8 feb.
neozarbez : can u stay on 9?
neozarbez : I will come on 8 Feb
worldicez : i can't
worldicez : i've reserved the air ticked.
neozarbez : what time will u fly on * or (?
neozarbez : 8 or 9
worldicez : 9 but i have works to do that day
neozarbez : will u fly on air asia?
worldicez : yes
worldicez : at 9pm flight
neozarbez : ok understand
neozarbez : if u free before u go airport u can tell to me
worldicez : how can i tell u?
worldicez : i can't play internet there.
neozarbez : 089 2257748
neozarbez : I can pay taxi for u to go airport from Sathorn
worldicez : ^^' thx but... erm...
worldicez : if i have free time, i'll contact u ok?
neozarbez : sure ok
neozarbez : what is NLC?
worldicez : national linux competition
neozarbez : sorry what is linux?
worldicez : an operating system. like windows
neozarbez : ok great
worldicez : but it's free and more stable than ms windows.
จะปฏิเสธไงดีวะ - -' (มีบอกเบอร์เรียบร้อยเลย ดีที่เราไม่บอกเบอร์ไป)