ไม่ได้เอามาเกย์ทับ พอเห็นแล้วเลยนึกขึ้นได้ คล้ายๆ กัน
1- TaskBar Arranger
TaskBar Sorter allows you to re-arrange the programs appear in the taskbar the order you like, without being bound with the default windows arrangement.taskbar manager
2- Show / Hide Windows
XNeat adds extra Show/Hide windows menu item to the windows taskbar context menu saving you some desktop space while providing access to them.
Very Handy with programs like OutLook and others.
3- Show / Hide Tray Icons
Show / Hide Tray icons menu item added by XNeat allows you to show and hide icons from your taskbar's system tray area.
4- Stay On Top Windows
Stay On Top added by XNeat allows you to keep any windows on top of other windows, so that it can’t be hidden by other windows... Very handy if you want to have fast access to a certain program like (windows calculator,excel, notepad ...etc)
5- Taskbar Apperance
Taskbar Apperance menu item added by XNeat gives you the ability to show any item in your taskbar ( Start menu button, Taskbar buttons, System tray, clock ).
5- Middle Button Close
Actually the mouse middle button is totally forget by microsoft team, now you can use it to close any window found in your desktop.
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